Friday, May 25, 2012

A Fountain's Acrobatics.. and an Awesome Surprise!

Last night, I babysat at a family in Lincoln Center (the same family who has the amazing view from their window).

On my walk over to their apartment, I passed the Revson Fountain, a very beautiful and creative fountain in the center of Lincoln Center. It was designed as a traditional fountain, and at set times to be a fountain show. Whenever I am in the neighborhood and I pass by the fountain, it is always in its "relaxed" form.

But as I passed the fountain last night, it was far from relaxed. The fountain was doing some serious acrobatics. I finally saw the fountain show!

A very impressive fountain :-).

Later that night, as I sat and studiously worked on a final paper for one of my classes, I was suddenly interrupted by some strange noises... 


I honestly thought there was a massive gun fight going on in Lincoln Center down below.

I looked out the window, and realized immediately that it was FAR from a gun fight...

There were FIREWORKS over the Hudson River! 
(Remember how I said the apartment has an amazing view? Shout out the E family for allowing me to feature your apartment's amazing view in my blog).

I haven't confirmed this, but I believe the fireworks were in celebration of Fleet Week which is going on right now.

Check out this video I captured of the awesome fireworks show:

The entire night sky literally lit up. It was so beautiful. What a nice treat! How often do you get to see fireworks when it isn't July 4th?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

On the Platform

A few days ago, I got onto the no. 1 uptown train at 59th street.

But the train doors wouldn't close.

After about five minutes, the conductor announced that the train was going out of service because of a broken door.

This was during Rush Hour, so the train was packed!

Hundreds of people piled out of the subway cars and onto the crowded platform.

I snapped a picture of it. The 59th street station is curved, so it provides a clear view all the way down the platform.

I just realized that there's a man sticking out his tongue in the foreground! Haha! The unexpected always happens in candid photographs....

EDIT (5/25/12):
Yesterday I experienced another crazy traveling story!!

I was sitting peacefully on the bus ride home from school (I take a bus from my college to the train station, and from the train station I take 3 additional trains home), totally absorbed in my book. We just passed over the Van Wyke Expressway, a long stretch where the bus makes no stops for a few minutes.

All of a sudden, the bus stopped. Absorbed in my book, I hardly noticed the commotion around me. After about 30 seconds, I glanced up... and noticed that the bus was surrounded with dense white smoke!! So dense that I could not see anything outside the windows!

The bus driver had left the bus to investigate. I watched him closely out the window through the smoke. About 10 seconds later, he ran back on the bus and commanded that everyone EVACUATE immediately!!

My instincts told me to get as far away from the bus as possible. Along with the other passengers, I pushed my way out of the bus and began walking as fast as I could away from the smokey bus. Eventually I walked the rest of the way to the train station, about a quarter-mile distance.

Here is a photo I snapped of the bus surrounded by smoke. A large wind came, dissipating some of the smoke by the time I took the picture, but you can still see the effect:

Some people were very calm and some extremely nervous. I don't remember how I felt; I just wanted to get as far away from the bus as possible in case it blew up (as my mother says, I was "catastrophizing").

I have no idea what happened to the bus. But it was certainly a crazy afternoon!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Costello's Planters

Some readers ask me if I will ever run out of things to write.

Honestly, I don't think I will. Every day is filled with brand new exciting discoveries (I have a whole list of things waiting to be written about!!).

Like today, when I saw this video on the Eyewitness News website:

about a man named Costello who beautifies his neighborhood on West 102nd Street by planting exquisite flowers boxes around the trees, as well as elaborately decorating the front doorways of his building and others.

(if you can't see the video, go to the original article).

And I absolutely had to check it out.

So I trekked all the way uptown to 102nd street...

Wow!!! The planters were even more beautiful than the video!

(Maybe because it was sunny when I went, and the video was taken on a cloudy, rainy day).

I so wish I could live on this block!!

Whoever you are, Costello, I think your work is wonderful.

I love how you add beauty to the normally mundane city streets.

I'm all for that, you know.

Adding beauty where you least expect it, that is.

And can it get any better than this?!

I mean, you even put fountains outside your building's front entrance!

Lucky neighbors.

Keep up the awesome work, Costello!

Maybe you'll make your way down to my block someday.
That would be amazing.

P.S. Check out this great album filled with pictures from 102nd street. But I strongly suggest checking it out in person... it's so much better in real life.